Sunday, November 12, 2023

Do you want speed bumps on Greentree Rd in Bethesda?


Do you live near or drive on Greentree Road in Bethesda, MD?  If so, you might be interested to know that the county is considering putting speed bumps in on the portion between Old Georgetown Road and Fernwood Road.

         On Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6:30 pm (that's really soon) there is going to be a zoom meeting about it. I don't know anything else about it and I couldn't find a web page with more information, so you'll have to call or email Lindsay to find out more.


 Here's another picture of the same sign, but from a more artsy angle. I have to say that is a really nice sign, all metal and reflective. I really hope they can change the words and re-use the sign instead of it being single use.





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