Sunday, March 23, 2025

Stratton Place luxury homes: cleared land

Construction at Stratton Place

Stratton Place (also called the Andrus Property) will be a relatively small development of luxury homes build between Greentree Road and I-270.  According to the planning board resolution (pdf link), it "proposes eight (8) new lots by subdividing the rear of seven (7) existing lots, for a total of 15 lots, on a total of 5.38 acres of land zoned R-90. Eight (8) houses will be new, six (6) will remain, and one (1) will be demolished and replaced." However, that changed this time last year and all six of the existing houses on Barnett Road have been demolished.  Confusingly, the planning documents are split between multiple folders, one for 2023 and later and at least one for documents before then. Worse, the interactive development finder map only links to the earlier ones.

 Here is the view from Greentree Road looking towards Interstate 270.  On the right some trees remain in the back yards of existing houses.  In the far distance you can see one of two remaining houses on Barnett Rd.  this entire cleared area was heavily wooded with the exception of the far left where there were houses nestled among the trees.

Frontage on Greentree Road

Greentree Road at the Stratton Place development a new road will enter the development here. To the right, not visible, is the Amalyn development.

 I last posted about Stratton Place in October. at that time they were just clearing the (magnifcant) trees from the property.  Since then they have finished that part of the project, torn down some old houses, and re-graded the land. I also posted before work had begun.

From the back of the property

The current grading is still pretty steep, this is looking from the middle/back of the property towards Greentree Road.  In the distance you can see the Amalyn housing development.

Barnett Road

There used to be 8 houses along this road, six were included in the Andrus property and were demolished, only the first house and the last house remain.  New curbs have also been installed.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Tesla Takedown Rockville


Recently there have been protests at Tesla Service Centers across the country.  Montgomery County is no exception and there have been ones at both the Rockville and Silver Spring locations.  On Saturday there was another one at the Tesla Service Center on Rockville Pike.  Lots of people were there and they were lining both sides of the street. Many people driving by were honking in encouragement.

Protesters stand along the Maryland Route 355 (Rockville Pike) across the street from a Tesla service center.

I'm not sure how long these protests will continue, but there is another one scheduled for this coming Saturday 11-12, see the link for more details.

Protesters stand along the road in front of a Tesla service center.




Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Another Amalyn housing development update


Green houses

Here's another update on the Amalyn housing development in Bethesda, Maryland. When completed there will be over 300 single family houses and townhouses on this 75 acre lot.  Well over half have been completed or are under construction, but there are still a few areas to go. 

Most of the construction is on the south, east, and west edges, the northern and central sections are mostly (but not completely) finished. This is on the site of the old WMAL transmitter towers and abuts I-270 and I-495.

This first photo is on the southern edge along Renita Lane, I-495 is on the other side of the trees. This set of houses is well underway with the walls and roofs up for most of them.

Almost complete houses 

These houses are also on Renita Lane, directly across the street from the prior photo.  The siding is up and some of the houses are painted.

New houses on Silver Linden St

This area in the south east corner of the development at Silver Linden St and Renita Ln has a mix of completed (with people moved in) and still under construction houses.

Townhouse construction 

Three sets of townhouses in various stages of construction.  In the foreground you can see the foundations are in, to the right they are finishing up a row of gray townhouses, and in the background another row is under construction, walls and windows are in but siding is not on. This is towards the south west side of the development.

A row of townhouses under construction 

A row of six townhouses under construction as seen from the rear.  The garage doors are not on but the windows are in.

A few more houses 

The sales center used to be here, but it has been removed and three hosues are going in. This is on the north west side of the development.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

New sound barrier on the outer loop

The new Amalyn housing development in Bethesda is between Interstate 495 and the Interstate 270 spur. This means it gets road noise.  A partial solution is to install a sound wall, and that is what is happening right now on the outer loop of I-495.  Construction on the wall started in June of 2024 and is getting close to being completed.

 If you drive along I-495 between Fernwood Road and Greentree Road, you have probably been noticing the construction as it progresses. In places the wall is very close to the road.

This is the current end of the sound wall, next to Greentree Road.

Here at the end of the barrier, it is set a couple of feet below ground level.  Most other parts of it are near the surface.

Here's the wall as seen from the other side of the interstate.  There is an access door in the wall.

They weren't actively working when I was there but the equipment is waiting for them to return.  Greentree Rd is on the right.


Monday, February 10, 2025

No Calling your Mother?


Have you noticed the Call Your Mother truck at the corner of Old Georgetown Road and Greentree Road is gone?  It isn't on their list of locations either so I don't think it is coming back. Co-incidentally, there is now a location in Platt Park / South Pearl Denver Colorado that looks just like the one that used to be here. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Downed tree closes Fernwood Rd in Bethesda


A large tree fell across Fernwood Road in Bethesda, Maryland today. It completely blocks traffic between Brixton Lane and Tusculum Road.  However, county crews are on the scene clearing it right now.   I expect by the time most people read this the road will be re-opened, but if it isn't, you can go around the area by driving on neighborhood streets.

 Update 5:30 pm.  Road opened a while ago, I just got a chance to take a look.  Aside from some utility wires, no real damage.  Everything is back to normal.








Monday, January 27, 2025

Sewer Rehab project at Great Falls this week


Sewer Rehab project sign

I went to Great Falls (Maryland side) this morning and the person at the gate alerted me to a sewer rehab project going on this week.  Apparently, there is a sanitary sewer line connecting Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. and this week D.C. Water will be drilling some rock cores from a few places just below the Washington Aqueduct dam to help understand the area geology and plan for a replacement of the sewer.

Three of the four places they are drilling are only really visible from the Virginia side, so besides the helicopters, don't expect to see anything aside from an occasional helicopter. 

There is more information at DC Water.

Signs about the sewer rehab project

The sidewalk leading up to Great Falls Tavern has several signs with information about the project.

Off to work

While I was there, this helicoptor delivered two people (Look below the helicopter, by the tree branch) to work on the project.

Icy towpath

The canal towpath at Great Falls was icy.  Be careful and wear sturdy shoes.






Thursday, January 2, 2025

Harden and Weaver Alleys

Those of you who grew up in the DMV might well remember the Harden & Weaver show on WMAL radio.  It was my go-to method of finding out if school was canceled when it snowed.

WMAL used to broadcast from a set of radio towers off of Greentree Road in Bethesda, Maryland.  The site is currently being turned into a housing development by Toll Brothers.  A resident of a nearby resident requested that Harden and Weaver be recognized by naming streets after them.  Toll Brothers agreed and in the Amalyn development there exists both a Harden Alley and a Weaver Alley, directly across the street from each other.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Grandview Bethesda construction


The Grandview is a senior living community under construction on Fernwood Road in the Rock Spring area of Bethesda, MD. It is on the site of the former Marriott headquarters.  I have written a few times about the demolition of the Marriott HQ and the new construction.  The initial name for the project was ELP Bethesda.

This will be the entrance to the first Grandview building.  The first phase of the project, which will consist of this building and a second, similar one will have 512 independent living units, and associated amenities. 

Here it is as seen from the entrance to Democracy Plaza on the far side of the site. The 13 story building is 150 feet tall and has 247 units.

This area was the main entrance to the Marriott headquarters building.  The new construction is behind where it was.

This will be the second building of the Grandview. It is about ground level now. The first building, still under construction, is to the left. This building will have about 265 units in it.

The construction fence along Fernwood Road is plastered with various signs about the new development.

This is Thomas Branch stream, near it's headwaters.  It was an overgrown mees but it has been re-graded and re-engineered so it is a series of connected pools.  Oddly, it is a "Tree Protection Area" but they cut down most of the existing trees and planted new ones.

There used to be a row of large hardwood trees along Fernwood Road. These have all been cut down, only the stumps remain. I'm sad to see them go because they were quite majestic.

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Mercury at Wildwood: getting closer


The Mercury at Wildwood is an art deco inspired over-55 apartment building that will have somewhere between 60 and 72 units. It is in a former parking lot between Balducci's and the Wildwood Medical Building, behind the Exxon station. 

The building is at it's full height and they are starting to put a brick facing on it. I last wrote about it in March when the first floor was still being poured.

The Mercury to the right of the Wildwood Medical Building.

Although the side facing Balducci's has a white wrap, the rest of the building doesn't yet, the yellow insulation is visible. This is the part of the building closest to Old Georgetown Road.  The address will be 10241 Old Georgetown Rd.

The Mercury from behind the Wildwood Medical Building.